He Was A Teacher

He was a teacher...  no, he didn't have any degrees, but he was a teacher none the less.

He taught us about family, ... how family extended beyond the walls of our house.  Our doors were open to many who lived with us over the years. 

He taught us about friendship... that if you owned a van, you helped ALL of your friends move at least once... without any complaints.

He taught us about discipline... often with just the look in his eyes.

He taught us about fishing...  you know the famous quote "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime"?  Let's just say that there are more people than we can count that are being fed today because of Joe Lawrence.

He taught us about the art of story telling... he could tell a story with the best of them ...  over and over   ...    and over.  What we wouldn't do to hear one again.

He taught us about an awful lot about "what NOT to do"... in hopes that we would learn from his mistakes, which some we did, and some we didn't.

He taught us about growing up... learning to be a Dad when he was just a kid himself.

He taught us about  NOT growing up...  with his awesome sledding skills, which in turn taught us about dentistry.

He taught us about enjoying the simpler things in life...  the family vacations we had usually included a tent and camp stove.

He taught us about music... there weren't many days without music in our house.  Most of the time, he played it louder than we did.

He taught us about growing a beard... enough said.

He taught us about love...  he never had a problem showing his love for us, hugging and kissing his grown boys and their families, and we're thankful for that.

With his life, he taught us about himself... which taught us how to be better people.

He will be missed more than words can say, but the lessons we learned will undoubtedly influence many more.

No Further Words Needed- Thanks Stuart

How Deep the Father's Love   by Stuart Townend

How deep the Father's love for us,
How vast beyond all measure
That He should give His only Son
To make a wretch His treasure

How great the pain of searing loss,
The Father turns His face away  
As wounds which mar the chosen One,
Bring many sons to glory

Behold the Man upon a cross,
My sin upon His shoulders 
Ashamed I hear my mocking voice,
Call out among the scoffers 

It was my sin that held Him there
Until it was accomplished 
His dying breath has brought me life
I know that it is finished

I will not boast in anything
No gifts, no power, no wisdom
But I will boast in Jesus Christ
His death and resurrection

Why should I gain from His reward?
I cannot give an answer
But this I know with all my heart
His wounds have paid my ransom

The Odd Inspiration of Pelton and Crane

Since I began writing this blog, I have seen inspiration come in many forms.  Sometimes I struggle with ideas to write about, and sometimes they are right there in front of me.  This last week, that inspiration was staring me right in the face...  or the mouth to be more exact.  My son and I took a trip to the dentist for what should be an annual trip.  I'm too embarrassed to to disclose how long it has really been for me.  What followed was directly out of a Bill Cosby routine, complete with a babbling numb-jawed idiot (yours truly), and a dental assistant, who I'm quite certain was laughing at my attempts to speak an understandable language.

When I realized I was going to be there for the long haul, I began to think more of the blog I had started to write the day before. (an entry to come at a later time to be sure).  After brainstorming ideas for quite some time, I gave up.  I was getting nowhere with my thoughts, which I've noticed is a pattern of common occurrence.  Have you ever been trying to remember someone's name and it just doesn't come to you.  Then later that day, or in the middle of the night, it hits you like a flash of light ?  That's what happened to me...  literally.

I sat there captive to the reclined chair and that light.  That Pelton and Crane dental light.  At first, I was a bit offended at how bright it was.  Couldn't they find one that had a softer glow ?  It's bad enough that I'm laying there with steel hooks in my mouth, but do they need to have the almighty Pelton and Crane blazing in my face too ?  Well...  yes, actually they do.  Can you imagine what it would be like if dentists worked in the dark ?  Not a pretty picture is it ?  It takes that light to see the areas that need to be worked on.  I guess it's not such an offensive light after all.  As a matter of fact, I'm glad they have it.

So of all the things I could be thinking about while in the dentist's office, I was struck with the odd inspiration of Pelton and Crane, and the verse found in Psalm 119:105 Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.

God's word, the Bible, helps to shed some light on us.  It no doubt shows areas of our lives that need some work, and it's not always a painless procedure.  Like dentists working in the dark, living without God's word in my life is not a pretty picture.  I'm glad dentists have Pelton and Crane,and I'm glad I have God's word.

Perhaps you are struggling with a direction to go in life.  Or, you're stumbling and feeling as though you've been left in the dark.  I can assure you that God has not left us without some light.

Oh, and speaking from experience, don't put off going to the dentist for a regular checkup.  It might just save you some pain. 

Dr. Seuss In The Belly Of A Whale

Most of us have heard the story of Jonah.  You know, the old testament prophet that was swallowed by the really big fish.  The pastor at my church has been preaching a series from the book of Jonah.  If you are not familiar with the whole story, I suggest reading it.  Four chapters...  that's it.  But beware, the ending leaves you a bit unsettled.  

In a nutshell, God calls Jonah to witness to the wicked people of Nineveh.  Jonah says "no way" and runs the other direction.  Jonah even goes as far as being thrown into the sea to avoid witnessing to Nineveh.  Enter the really big fish.  God sends a fish to swallow Jonah, and where does the fish spit him up ?  That's right, on the shores of Nineveh.  So a reluctant Jonah, a prophet of God mind you, trudges through Nineveh one day's walk, and preached "In forty days, Nineveh will be smashed", and leaves.  Real compassionate guy huh?  Well, the people of Nineveh repent, and change their ways.  God spares them.  Here's the kicker...  while God shows mercy, grace, and compassion for the people of Nineveh, Jonah is throwing a fit.  A real screaming flapper.  I like the way The Message translation states it in chapter 4 :
Jonah was furious. He lost his temper. He yelled at God, "God! I knew it—when I was back home, I knew this was going to happen! That's why I ran off to Tarshish!  I knew you were sheer grace and mercy, not easily angered, rich in love, and ready at the drop of a hat to turn your plans of punishment into a program of forgiveness!  "So, God, if you won't kill them, kill me! I'm better off dead!" 
God said, "What do you have to be angry about?"
 But Jonah just left. He went out of the city to the east and sat down in a sulk.

That's pretty much the way the book of Jonah ends.  You've got to wonder how the people of Nineveh get it... the grace, mercy, and compassion of God, and Jonah totally misses it.

Have you ever watched a movie or read a book, only to find that the ending was not at all what you expected ?   You mutter to yourself ,"I could have written a better ending than that".  Well, my suspicion is that Dr. Seuss felt that way about the book of Jonah.  Not that he could write a better ending, but that he wanted to write an alternate ending.  Perhaps the Grinch is Seuss' Jonah. While the inhabitants of Whoville are not the brutes that made up Nineveh, the Grinch certainly reminds me of Jonah.  The Grinch waits for the crushing blow of a stolen Christmas while Jonah waits for the crushing blow of God.  The Grinch is furious when he hears the joyous singing.  Likewise, Jonah is furious when he hears of the repentant, and forgiven city.  And here is when Dr. Seuss inserts the pleasing ending we want to read.  And what happened then? Well…in Whoville they say, That the Grinch’s small heart Grew three sizes that day!  The same can't be said of Jonah...  at least we are never told.  I want to hear an ending where Jonah's heart grew three sizes.  

I fear that many times today, Christians come across like Jonah.  Show up a bit ruthless, shove a condemning message down the throats of others, and leave.  As a matter of fact, I'm sure it happens all too often.   My prayer is that our hearts would grow three times larger.  Larger because of compassion, larger because of love for others.  Larger because we see the grace of God in people's lives.  

How's your heart today ?

I Must Recant... At Least 50 %

I must recant ... 

The Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary defines "recant" as :

transitive verb 1 : to withdraw or repudiate (a statement or belief) formally and publicly : renounce
2 : revokeintransitive verb : to make an open confession of error

So what statement or belief am I formally and publicly withdrawing ?  See blog entry entitled "Let It Snow" on December 20th.  I love snow ?  Really ?  What was I thinking ?  

The old phrase, "absence makes the heart grow fonder", never rang true more than this morning.  With a beat up shovel in hand (one that never really has seen much snow), I made my way outside to clear a path.  Out of breath, and with a sore back, I returned to the house with the unmistakable feeling that I must recant...  at least 50 %.  It seems I was a bit hasty in my previous blog statement.  Snow in and of itself is not all that bad, but the pains it can produce most certainly are bad.  So that is the 50 % that I withdraw.  

I still stand by snow's side and marvel at it's beauty.  I enjoy the peace it produces when all is calm.  And I also relish the moment to throw a snowball or two, or three.  This is the 50 % I choose to hold onto.  If absence makes the heart grow fonder, then the sooner the snow is gone, the faster I can get back to my love of snow.  Until then, I think I'll build a snowman, or sit inside where it's warm and pretend.




Kenny's New Shoes

My step-son Kenny celebrated a birthday a little over a week ago and we wanted to get him something he could really use.   The decision on what that gift should be was reached effortlessly.  Shoes.  Plain and simple. It's not as though he has a collection of shoes, thus making it an easy gift choice for him.   On the contrary, he has one pair.

I'm reminded of the quote from the movie Forrest Gump ~ Momma always says there's an awful lot you could tell about a person by their shoes. Where they're going. Where they've been.
And you can tell an awful lot about Kenny by his shoes.  Kenny and his shoes put on many miles a year. Almost everywhere he goes, he walks.  Rain or shine.  I admire him for that.  He doesn't call asking for a ride, or money for a cab.  He just walks.

And like a tire blown out in the highway, his shoes too, have suffered a blow out.   Gaping holes showing where the soles should have been attached.  Arch support all but gone.  Leather so worn, you could barely tell the brand.  So you see, the decision was an easy one.  Shoes, or in this case, hiking boots.  Water proof, durable, and ready to go anywhere.  It seemed the logical choice for someone on a journey.

Perhaps you've suffered a blow out in life.  You're without support, and feel worn out like an old pair of shoes.  Maybe you don't feel like you could go another mile.  I don't know your situation, or where you are in life, but I speak from experience when I suggest to you that you might try what made a difference in my life. The Gospel of Peace that Paul writes about.  Paul writes in Ephesians 6:15 that we should have our feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.  The gospel of peace that, like Kenny's new shoes, is water-tight, durable, and ready to go anywhere.



More Value When Broken

I am not the most graceful person you've ever met.  I trip over a blade of grass.  And if I were to cry over spilled milk, the oceans couldn't contain the tears.  I've stubbed toes, bumped heads, slipped on ice, tripped down stairs and tripped up stairs.  I've stepped in ice fishing holes, and holes in second story floors, (picture a leg hanging down from the living room ceiling).  I've fallen out of boats, out of chairs, and out of bed.  I've dropped and broke plates, glasses, and other dishes.  I even did a number on my face during a sledding accident, a tale to tell in another blog for sure.  But out of all my “finer moments”, I'd like to share this one in particular.

I wasn't more than 4 years old at the time, not the prime of my clumsiness, but perhaps the beginning of it.  Dad had just bought Mom a milk glass China vase for their anniversary.  It was hand painted with dragons and floral designs.  You already know where this is going...  Although I don't recall how long it was a whole vase, I do know that it was in many pieces in a split second.  Dad didn't yell at me, or even make me stand in the corner.  He just started picking up the pieces.

Over time Dad and Mom reconstructed the vase.  Glued together piece by tiny fragile piece, until only one small dime sized hole remained.  It was then put up far from my reach, never to be broken again.  Mom loved that vase, maybe even more so after it was broken.  Sure, it will never sell at auction, but the memories that it pulls up this morning are priceless to me.

Isn't a bid odd that something of great value can be worth more when broken ?  Yet that is exactly how God views us.  When David wrote Psalm 51, which is often referred to as the Psalm of repentance, he came before God broken.  Powerful, popular,  King David truly seeing himself as needing the forgiveness, mercy, and the grace of God, in verse 17 writes, “a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise” ( Psalm 51:17 )

Sometimes you feel hopeless, helpless, and like that China vase, broken into a million pieces.  And I'm here to tell you that, similar to my Dad, God is not going to yell at us, or make us stand in the corner.  He'll just start picking up the pieces.  He will help you put it all back together piece by piece.  When He's complete, we're even more valuable than when we were before.  So if you've had one of those days, weeks, or maybe even years when everything seems to be falling apart, may I suggest hope.  Hope that puts all the pieces together... not even leaving a dime sized hole.  Hope in Jesus.


2009 According to Facebook (Coffee, Pizza, Family, and Prayer)

At the end of the year (2009) I found out how to view my status updates on facebook...  for the whole year.  It occurred to me that facebook has acted as a diary of sorts.  One that I didn't mind letting everyone read.  I apologize for the length of this post, but I thought it would be interesting to see my year according to facebook.  Coffee, pizza, family, and prayer show up quite often.  These are apparently things of importance to me, and also what I want more of this year.

As you look back on the last year, can you see what was important to you ?

2009 According to Facebook (Coffee, Pizza, Family, and Prayer)

    welcomes new beginnings... so what's your new year's resolution ?

    thinks it's new only if you make it new.... and hopes it's new for you

    is listening to his son play drums downstairs.......

    is asking everyone to pray for baby Nathanial, (grandson to be born Feb. 2nd)... there are some complications

    loves his family

    is sometimes at a loss for words to pray

    taught the kids from Matthew 5:38-48 ... lots of red letters

    and his family thanks everyone for their prayers

    wonders what Missouri will use as an excuse to cancel school.... Iowa's excuse : cold.... Hawaii's excuse : too windy

    is helping Noble & Sara move today.

    and his wife are celebrating 12 years happily married this Saturday

    doesn't own a snow shovel... so you won't hear him complain about winters here on facebook

    's "Story of Cory" face book page has 19 fans and the main website has had 225 visitors now : http://www.facebook.com/home.php#/pages/Story-of-C ory/14591566769

    is somewhat happy to see the snow...

    is warming up after playing in the snow with Josh

    survived wal-mart

    is playing rock trivia with his wife and son....


    is getting ready to go to Columbia... Super Bowl Sunday doesn't hold a candle to Grandpa Monday

    is getting ready to go to the hospital... and welcome Nathan to the world.

    found out that he may have to wait until after midnight before he becomes "Grand"

    and Susan are Grandparents... WOO HOO !!!

    praises God for miracles.

    is excited that his Grandson will be out of icu today... and thanks all of you for your prayers... and thanks God for His love

    realized he never mentioned Nathanial's stats : 4 lbs. 15 oz. 17.25 in. Born Feb 3 @ 4:11 am

    is back home with Josh, but Susan is still in Columbia with our grandson

    hates being away from his wife... at least his son is with him

    got to hold his granson for the 1st time !!!

    is doing the laundry... reds with whites... sailor's delight, or something like that

    is thinking with weather like this, it's time to grill up some Johnsonville brats and fries...

    hopes his wife gets to come home for Valentine's day 'cause he's going through some serious Susan withdrawals

    stopped to talk to Joe the bicycle man... pulls 4 trailers behind his bike... ever seen him ?

    is excited with the possibility of Susan coming home tomorrow.... for good ! (yes, this means Nathan is doing really good)

    is bummed.... gonna be at least one more day until eveyone comes back home... Nathan lost some weight

    's good looks DID NOT get him out of a speeding ticket this morning.

    's back feels : a) great, b) good, c) fair, d) like it's been kicked for every dollar of the stimulus package

    's wife, or someone who looks exactly like her, is back home.... for real !

    loves Missouri weather... 65 today, snow on Saturday (just in case I miss the Iowa weather)

    is watching The Princess Bride

    readily admits that in his "old" age, he likes to go to bed early... he even likes to take naps.


    gets to go to church today

    is excited about going to work tomorrow... and saddened that sarcasm on status updates just doesn't have the same effect.

    likes lime Koolaide and wishes he had some

    's son has a speech competition tonight : "To me, optimism is..."

    is going to watch his son give a speech and maybe catch Remedy Drive concert.

    is a proud parent... his son won the speech competition, and goes to compete in Columbia on the 14th

    is drinking coffee (not near enough) and getting ready for the morning drive.

    is wearing his Great Plains t-shirt today... he sure could go for some of that today

    is ready to be tucked in bed. Nighty night everybody !

    of the O'Lawrence clan wishes everyone a Happy Saint Patrick's day

    burned leaves while his wife raked the yard... she's awesome

    is kicking back and watching a movie with his wife...

    was going to go to the movies, but he and his wife decided to stay home instead... old fuddy duddies

    feels like he woke up in Iowa.... what's up with the snow ?

    's up for some guitar playin' tonight

    fired up the grill to start burnin burgers


    is a fool regardless of the month

    loves the smell of coffee in the morning

    ...I'll live for you and try to be the king of fools

    sure would like to go fishing... but there's this thing called "work" that keeps coming back day after day

    is @ Slice of Pie... only the best pie in the universe.

    is the wretch the song refers to

    is ready for the Easter service at First Baptist Church in Rolla... 10:30 this morning if you're interested.... you can even watch it on channel 95.

    wants to know if anyone has been to Black Market Pizza yet ?

    .... it just doesn't get any more "Monday" than today

    's glad his son plays the drums... it makes playing the guitar more fun

    's son is gone camping for the weekend... 90% chance of rain... that's what I call fun !

    has a whole day alone with his wife... how cool is that ?

    picks up his son from his camping trip this morning... how muddy will he be ? Stay tuned camp fans

    might donate his tent that his son used to the Smithsonian for use in the adobe hut display.

    is praying for one of his Wednesday night KKCF kids (BJ) ... his mom passed away Friday...

    is home from work... 85 degrees... burgers on the grill... this is the life


    is having a great day with family in Columbia

    's done with Mondays.... there will no longer be any Mondays for Cory... done... kaput...

    is looking forward to playing "Pictionary Man" with the family tonight. Woo Hoo


    Here comes the sun (du dn du du) Here comes the sun And I say Its alright

    found out he goes to church with a fellow Scandinavian today... the license plate LUTFSK might have given it away

    bucket drums in church this morning... + the kids musical... gonna be a great day !

    is back home with the love of his life

    is observing National Day of Prayer... and is starting with prayer for you

    is dog tired... woof woof

    would give up Fathers Day so Moms could have two days... they deserve it. Happy Mothers Day !

    ... retirement at 37.... sounds good ! now, to figure out a way to accomplish that

    is ridin' the storm out

    is taking Friday off from work and going camping Thursday night... that's right, the Lawrences know how to keep it real.

    , after 15 years, has fallen in love all over again... it might be her air guitar that moves me so.

    is looking for the world's best pizza... thick or thin, as long as it's pizza

    is seriously contemplating turning in before 9:00... loser? maybe... master of the art of sleeping ? oh yeah

    ... Goonies and relaxation... sounds good enough for me

    is going green.... kool-aide that is


    what's on my mind ?... COFFEE !

    ... Dad is on facebook... cool beans

    is thinking kringla, kumla, and all things Scandinavian... none of which is in Missouri

    is so ashamed, how could he forget to buy coffee ?

    ... grilling burgers, corn on the cob, and tornado warnings... sounds like I'm back in Iowa

    ... tornado warnings again ? tis the season

    shhhhh... do you hear that ?... it's my pillow... "Cory.... Cory" Don't worry, I'll be right there pillow !

    ** 4 yr. old speaking at VBS ** "God's love is like a 100 pound elephant" ! (big, strong, and powerful) ... don't think I could have said it any better myself. Gotta love a kid's perspective.

    goes bald on Friday if the boys raise more money than the girls....

    $700.04 raised for "Habitat for Humanity"... and one bald Cory coming right up

    ... I'd like one case of SPF 50 to go please.

    is wishing his Dad a Happy Father's Day !!!

    is a happy Dad

    just gets his son back from scout camp... then he goes to church camp... at least I got to see him for father's day.

    picks his son up from church camp tomorrow ! I miss that kid !!!

    and his son are rockin' out to Skillet's Comatose Comes Alive dvd...
    is soooooo ready for our trip to South Dakota, and then to Iowa for a few days.

    has 2 more days of work, then we're outta here


    and his family are officially on VACATION !

    is on his way to Mitchell, South Dakota... can you say Corn Palace ?... a hick family vacation at it's best.

    is praying for our armed forces on this Independence Day

    just left the Badlands, and now heading to our cabin in Custer State Park.. oh yeah !

    Great day with the family... memorials, deer, and burnt bald heads... awesome !

    ... 2hr trail ride in the Black Hills... what a great way to start the morning.

    is in Story City

    is thinking about going to Great Plains for dinner tonight (Friday)... anyone else wanna go ?

    wishes he could have some more conversation with "old" friends to go with the leftover pizza. What a great night.

    woke up and smelled the coffee....

    is looking forward to KKCF tonight... been awhile since we've seen the kids

    is back home from the movies.... and being in the front row still isn't any fun

    is going on a float trip with the scouts this morning...

    has a gallon of blackberries.... now, what to do with them

    better day today : Megan is out of the hospital, I'm done with work for the day, & I'm drinking green kool-aid.... ah the life

    never get's tired of green kool-aid



    is going to "Rock the River" tomorrow.... anyone else going ?

    is listening to Franklin Graham share the Gospel of Jesus

    just heard former Korn member , Brian "Head" Welch, give his testimony of his faith in Jesus.

    ... Flyleaf under the Arch... need I say more ?

    is going canoeing tomorrow ... no banjos please

    's wife is awesome ! She took on nursery duty by herself so he could listen to Noble preach today. (ok, there were only 2 babies, but still, his wife is awesome)

    is asking for prayers for his grandson Nathan... serious tests being done today to determine if he needs a shunt put in for the hydracephalus.

    is going to football registration with Josh this morning " it's a great day for hittin' " ~ Coach Van Winkle

    is going to MS&T today to welcome the students to Rolla

    Monday ?.... awwww say it aint so

    ... date night with the wife tomorrow... can I get an Amen ?!?

    is praying for his friends... you know who you are

    's wife is the best thing about Mondays... bar none

    is taking his practice jersey out of retirement.... time for another Lawrence to wear the ol' 51 again

    is proud of his kid... running the hill for football practice is no easy feat

    is extending an open invitation to his new Sunday school class, "JOURNEY". It starts in two weeks , September 13th... Yes, I'm teaching...scary huh ? let me know if you're interested in coming

    saw the four moons of Jupiter last night... very cool


    .... lasagna

    OK...so watching your kid run 8 yards carrying 6 opponents is pretty cool . Way to go son !

    just watched the Hannah Montana Movie... who picked that one out ? Oh, I did... wow, I'm a loser. "L"

    is growing his hair back out again... just to see if it's still there.

    remembers September 11th, 2001

    's son actually ran the ball in a game, including a 4th down conversion. Devil Dawgs WIN : 13-12

    all you need is love... and coffee

    is praying for his grandson Nathan and his surgery this morning

    likes the smell of coffee in the morning

    ... big guy + little umbrella. You do the math.

    loves Susan Lawrence

    thinks that there is much to learn from Joseph... even when it seems it can't any worse, GOD was with him. (Acts 7:9-10)

    is getting ready to go watch some Bulldog football tonight... great night for hittin'

    is waiting for the coffee to "perk" me up

    thinks he has a great group of people in his Sunday school class...

    ~ Dear Tuesday, please be more like my friends Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Nobody likes a Monday wannabe. Thanks, Cory

    is saying a prayer for his friend Noble Hower. He is having knee surgery today.


    is at the Rolla homecoming game... Go Bulldogs !!!

    Bulldogs (6-0) win 48-0

    is going to try a new recipe for chili today... gotta get ready for the cook-off later this month


    loves thunderstorms

    still raining.... better stock up on the gopher wood

    is praying for his wife and son, they are both feeling rotten... so it's just me and the neighbor kid going to church this morning.

    enjoyed his Sunday school class this morning ... depsite having a small class due to weddings and the flu.

    ~ thanks for sharing www.StoryofCory.blogspot.com with your friends. The website has been visited by 400 people in several countries !

    has Ray and Brandon Johnson and their family in his thoughts and prayers today.

    is @ the Rolla football game.. go bulldogs !!!

    is getting a late start... first cup of coffee at 6:30. Cheers


    is glad today is a new day... now what to do with it ? Advice : don't waste it.

    ~ meal from Lee's Chicken: $20, one deck of Uno cards : $5, an evening of fun with the family : priceless.... until your son wins a 2 hour hand of Uno, then things get serious

    ~ UNO round two : the boy wins again ! Next game night... arm wrestling

    does not like it when friends' status updates say "AE Egg Nog". Unless of course, they plan on sending some our way via UPS ?

    , instead of "putting on the ritz", is "putting on the shortz"... awesome weather today

    's grandson is having surgery again today. Please pray for Nathan.

    : Nathan's surgery went well. He is in recovery now. If all goes well, they will be home tomorrow evening.

    Great season Bulldogs !!!

    ~ Bob's Blog : the pastor of our church has started writing a blog... check it out at http://firstbaptistrolla.blogspot.com/

    is thankful that his grandson is on his way back home from having surgery yesterday. Susan will be here SOON !

    is thankful for those that serve and have served in our military

    is listening to Waterdeep's "to chase away the birds"... and likes it.

    is out hunting with his son.

    nothing seen today... and incidentally, a 12 year old snoring does not call 'em in. Better luck next time.

    no deer this weekend, but still had a good time. Honestly, how many more years am I gonna be able to spend an entire day with my son and still smile ? I'll enjoy it while I can, deer or no deer. Time to break out Harry Chapin's "Cat's in the Cradle"

    in this season of Thanksgiving, I am thankful for those I have reconnected with on face book : friends & family.

    is thankful for being employed... and even more thankful that there are coworkers who make it enjoyable to go, and most thankful that I have a wife and son to come home to at the end of the day.

    is thankful for all of the kids and adults who helped pack 225 shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child Wednesday night. You're all awesome !

    is thankful for... FRIDAY !!!!

    is thankful for peppermint mocha coffee creamer,(love that stuff), and another day of hunting with Josh

    is thankful for spare tires. No deer yesterday, but did get the opportunity to teach my son one of life's most important lessons... how to change a flat tire in the dark.

    is thankful for short work weeks... even if it does start with a Monday.

    is thankful for : fresh coffee (strong), warm days in November, quiet time early in the morning, hot showers, hugs, pillows ( I can't sleep without them), bass fishing (although I rarely go anymore), laughter (the kind where you cry and wonder if you'll breath again), music (tames the savage beast...me), campfires, lilacs, and oh so much more... The list really can go on and on. So, what are you thankful for ?

    and Josh have been hoodwinked into becoming animal rights activists... 2 shots fired... 2 missed deer. BUT... still thankful that we had the chance to enjoy the evening together.

    is thankful for God's grace ! ... And as God’s grace reaches more and more people, there will be great thanksgiving, and God will receive more and more glory (2 Corintians 4:15) NLTThis status contains special characters. It won't display properly in the collage.

    wants YOU to have a Happy Thanksgiving !

    just finished making homemade pizza with his son... actually 2 pizzas... and oh so ready to eat them.

    loves this time of year

    ... it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas ... have I mentioned that I love this time of year? I do !


    is praying for his Dad's surgery this morning.

    had been tossing around the idea of a semi-weekly blog... I'm intrigued by the thought after seeing others who have started... I'll let you know

    kind of a Morton Salt type of day " when it rains it pours". Thankfully tomorrow is a new day.

    ... so long, farewell, auf weidersehen goodnight

        's son Josh is taking the ACT test today... Good Luck kiddo ! ( I won't lie, 4 hours of testing wasn't fun to me as a senior in high school, probably not much fun as a 7th grader either)

    had a great time tonight with our class. Ate too much food... got an awesome new "hat"... and now it's time to hit the sack. nighty night

    can't express how good the Christmas cantata was this morning. Grown men crying... no joke, it was that good. To everyone who was a part of "A Baby Changes Everything"... well done !

    watched his son's first band concert tonight... awesome ! and as a bonus, I got to see my niece Emily Lawrence play too. I love Christmas music. oh yeah, I love Christmas !

    Dad's surgery is Thursday afternoon... for some reason I thought it was Friday... either way, prayers are much appreciated.

    ... Dad says thanks for the prayers, and keep them coming. by the way... IT"S FRIDAY !

    Mexican food = FULL, and when I say FULL, I mean FULL

    finally started his new blog. Read the first entry if you're interested. http://morningcory.blogspot.com/2009/12/let-it-sno w.html

    still needs his "It's A Wonderful Life" fix... can't help it... I'm a sap

    loves Christmas.... not even sure if I'll get any sleep tonight, with all those sugar plums dancin' and all. To everyone traveling : be safe ! Happy Christmas Eve !

    got his Christmas wish.... a WHITE Christmas ! So thankful for the first CHRISTmas. What a gift !

    's grandson went to emergency room in Columbia last night. He has an infection and the shunt will be removed. He will be up there 10 days to 2 weeks before they can replace the shunt. He won't be out of surgery until 12 today. Prayers for Nathan please.

    is sitting in Nathan's room at MU hospital. Quite certain that 2010 will bring more joy, more love, more laughter, and more blessings. Happy New Years to all my facebook friends !


The Art of Re-Gifting

We've all received those gifts at Christmas...  you know, the tie that was in style 20 years ago, the velvet Elvis picked up on the corner lot, or the item that is... well, you're not sure what it is.  What do we do with those gifts ?  We open them and joyously (through clenched frozen smiles) let the giver know how thankful we are.  Then after the celebration is over, we return to our homes, and tuck the "prized possession" up in the closet, never to be seen again.  Or, are they.

Some people are talented in the art of re-gifting.  I've even heard of families that pass around the same gift year after year to see who is stuck with it for the next year.  Do people re-gift new cars ?  Probably not.  Do they re-gift diamond rings ?  Not usually.  Why not ?  People want to keep gifts like that.  They find value in that gift for themselves.

I'm not all that good at re-gifting.  As a matter of fact, I've never done it.  So this year I'm going to try my hand at it.  It's not that the gift is of little value.  On the contrary, there is nothing to match it's worth.  Of course I'm speaking of the gift of Jesus as read in John 3:16.  This is the gift meant to be shared, meant to be re-gifted.  It is a gift for ALL of us.  The whole world.  Although Christmas is over, the reason to celebrate is not.  And perhaps it sounds odd that someone would re-gift something of the greatest value to them.  But that is what I intend to do.  I will practice the fine art of re-gifting...  the one gift I just can't keep for myself.


Let It Snow


Snow is what we woke up to yesterday, and it was still there this morning when we woke up.  In my Dad's opinion, we must not be far enough south.  As a child, I remember his dream to put a snow shovel on the top of the van and start driving south.  How far south ?  Until someone asked what that was on top of our van.  "And that's where we'll stop", he'd say,  "because if they don't know what a snow shovel is...  that's a good place to be".  If you're from the northern states, you might share this sentiment.  Ten foot drifts and closed interstates do not make for great vacation spots.  As a matter of fact, according to my wife, snow is one of the biggest reasons we won't live in Iowa.

But I must admit that I'm a bit of an outcast.  I love snow.  In my opinion, we don't get nearly enough snow here in Missouri.  And that is where I lost most of you anti-snow folks.  So, for those of you who continue to read, let me share with you the top ten reasons I love snow.

10)  Snow reminds me of Christmas

  9) ...hmmm  well, ...

  8) ...

Ok, so there really aren't that many reasons to love snow.

But the snow we have here today serves as a reminder that Christmas is indeed right around the corner.   So whether you love the snow or not, I'd like to wish you all a Merry Christmas!
